St. Edmund's School
St Edmunds School, Malviya Nagar,Jaipur is a well-established School with a great legacy in the field of Education. It started in the year and has selflessly worked a long way for the holistic growth of the students.
The school fosters the environment of joyful learning and development of all 21st century skills by active amalgamation of Sports, co-curricular + extracurricular activities with competency based, experiential learning in scholastic subjects.
The year 2021-22 was no less than each of our successful sessions that preceded it. We had a perfect blend of classes in school and online teaching learning as per the government norms followed during Covid conditions. The school had all arrangements of e-classes on virtual platform, leaving no room for lapse on account of lockdown.
We had 132 students of Grade X and 104 students of Grade XII who worked to their best for Board exams. Our school topper in secondary and senior secondary bagged 96.40 % and 96.8 % & 96.6% (commerce and science) respectively. In grade 10, 64 students scored marks above 80% whereas in grade 12, the number of students scoring above 80% was 44.
Apart from academics our children worked in various activities like Role play, Rakhi Making activity, Slogan writing, Poster making, Photography competition and many more throughout the year. Health and Value Education and Environment sensitization were taken into account while celebrating important days like – Yoga Day, Earth Day, Paper Bag Day, Mother’s Day, and Plantation Activity. In the Sports Arena, our school excelled by winning the trophy in Basketball - district level. Subject Enrichment through activities like Quiz, Traditional drape activity, fun with numbers etc. added excitement in learning mode.
We thrive on our innovative ideas such as –Career over coffee (a program to connect our anumni and mark their achievements and experiences with our current students). A Movable Charitable Dispensary that provides Ayurveda medicines free of cost to people of different villages in Jaipur Tehsil area, organising talk shows or plan visits to learn about new technology in the field of Health, Medicine and Diagnosis/ Raising Funds for Cancer Patients and Food Drive Campaign. All these develop social skills and an empathetic approach towards the society.
The school encompass wide range of adaptability in our staff both teaching as well as administrative to serve well for the smooth functioning in unprecedented times too. Students are groomed well to become responsible and confident.
An undying commitment towards betterment and excellence in education would continue by all Edmundites to keep the school banner high.