St. Edmund's School
With 3D Lab abstract concept becomes easier to comprehend. The 3D Lab learning experience will have the student grabbing at thin air and pulling back from objects that appear to be zooming straight at him. Or floating in the blood stream, hearing the heart beat from inches away, watch atoms to explode at arm’s length and so forth. The fact is, with 3D learning, the student can almost feel part of the subject itself. Making learning – immersive, exciting and fascinating.With 3D becoming a movie watching standard across the world, it has been gladly accepted by learners across all age groups and has left them yearning for more. Imagine what it could do to learning.Educomp SmartClass 3D Lab provides a unique and highly immersive experience to view curriculum concepts in life like format in 3D. 3D SmartLab is fully equipped with stereoscopic 3D projection system, 3D electronic viewing glasses , specially designed 3D curriculum library created for the first time in the world with 3D learning, the student can almost feel part of the subject itself. Making learning – immersive, exciting and fascinating.